Member Directory Information

As a member of the Alexandra & District Traders and Tourism Association you have the opportunity of listing your business in the directory found on this site.

Perhaps you've spend considerable time and energy on your own website, perhaps you haven't. Either way, a directory listing on the Alexandra Tourism website is a valuable addition to your existing brand. This website receives over 50 views per day (the July to September quarter accrued over 5,080 views). Every single one of these are people interested in discovering more about the accommodation, food and attractions that Alexandra has to offer. We would love to showcase all our members to this audience.

Some of the benefits of having a comprehensive listing here include:

  • Your business is easily found by an audience looking to discover more about Alexandra. Your directly listing includes your phone number, email address, physical address and a location on a Google map.
  • A description of your business in your own words. You can tell your story far better than anyone else can, so we ask you to write your own. Often the best business descriptions include testimonials from some of your previous customers.
  • The ability to update your own listing. There's no need to wait around for someone else to keep your directory listing up to date. All you need to do is request your own username and password and you can edit your own listing at your leisure and as often as you wish.
  • Increased quality of enquiries. At the end of the day, we want to help put travellers to our region in touch with the businesses they're interested in. Any one who contacts you after finding your listing on this website is someone very keen to learn more about you.

How to create or update your listing.

  1. Please visit the online form here and fill out your details. Via the form you are asked to provide up to three (3) images which can upload directly.
  2. Caolan will receive this information and create your listing on your behalf.
  3. Once your listing is live you will receive an email providing your login credentials. With these details you will be able to log into the ATTA website at any time and update your information.
  4. Simple!

How large should my images be?

The bigger the better. Caolan can always trim them down to size.

As a guide we need images that are larger than 640x420 pixels.

Your primary image (generally a logo or something that clearly identifies your business and/or location) is automatically cropped to (almost) a square image. This means that you should try and keep your main information in the centre of your image. If you have a logo, send it through as is and Caolan can place it on a white background of the appropriate size.

Directory Listing Image Size

Any questions, or updates required, please contact Caolan or any of the other ATTA Committee members.

Kind regards,


For more information

36 Grant Street, Alexandra Victoria 3714
Phone: (03) 5772 1100

© 2020-2025 Alexandra and District Traders and Tourism Association. ABN 86 881 202 036. All rights reserved.
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